Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cooperstown, ND (not the baseball hall of fame)

We arrived in Cooperstown last night after a 64 mile ride into a crosswind. Not a bad day. We camped in the city park and had another great restaurant meal for not much money: 2 pieces of chicken, baked potato, unlimited salad bar for $8.75. The salad bar had pickled herring and lime jello surprise: we are in Lutheran territory.
This morning we arose to a red sky: "Red sky at night, sailors delight, red sky in the morning, bikers take warning. We ate breakfast, packed up, saw lightening and headed to the cafe. We sat out a storm and debated about what to do. More storms were predicted for later today. As we are 90 miles from Fargo, with not much in between we were uneasy about setting out. We didn't know this town had a motel, when we found out it did, and that the winds would be in our favor tomorrow the decision was easy. Five of us decided to stay. Two of the guys went on and two are already in Fargo. We hope to meet up tomorrow. The two who left today called to say we made the right decision as the headwinds were difficult. The best part was that we now had time to go the Ronald Reagan Historic Missile Silo command post for a tour. It was very interesting to see the place where two airforce personnel sit for 24 hour shifts with the two keys that allowed them to fire the missiles toward the Soviet Union.
The locals all talk to us. North Dakota is the friendliest state as their motto says.
We are safe and comfortable tonight. Thanks for all of your good wishes!
Happy trails,
Therese and Doug

1 comment:

  1. Wow - almost to Fargo. You rock! Good move on watching the weather.
    We spent a wonderful week at the cabin - beautiful summer weather - Eagle Lake is 78 degrees! Sr Eileen was able to join us for a few days - so nice to hang out with her.
    Did you know the Paul Bunyan bike trail is completely open from Bemidji to Brainerd now? Not sure if that is in your plans for biking home or not?
    Love from your lazy sister...
