Today we rode 56 miles which should have been an easier day, but we were bucking a headwind. Highway 93 was busy with no shoulder, so we had a few close calls with vehicles. They like to drive fast in Montana. One time a large motorhome was coming at us as it was passing in the opposite direction. Another time a motor home blew its horn at us, when there was nowhere else for us to go! We were treated a quiet backroad for about 10 miles and the scenery was awesome! We can see the peaks of Glacier.
We are staying at the home of Charlie and Micayla LaChance and enjoying their daughter Sienna who is 3 and very verbal and athletic. Charlie builds mega-homes in the area for the rich and famous. We got to see the inside of one because he is the caretaker. It was the most incredible home we've ever seen! Then he took us on a boat ride to see the homes from the lakeside. It was a nice change from biking.
Their home is across from the Amtrak station. There has been a lot of activity because the Western Governors, including Arnold, are in town for the week. They took the train to Glacier today. There was a lot of security around including helicopters flying overhead.
Tomorrow we plan to bike into Glacier National Park to Lake MacDonald. On Tuesday we will ride the Going to the Sun highway. Bikes aren't allowed on the road between 11 and 4, so we'll have to get an early start. They say the passes we went over in the Cascades were harder than this, so we think we can do it.
We are grateful for all of the people who have helped us along the way, including our group of 6 guys. There does seem to be safety in numbers. Being in Grizzly country makes me a little nervous, but I think I fear traffic more!
Wish us tail winds and safe drivers.
We miss you!
Therese and Doug